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9 Ways to Be Terrible at Decision-Making

Often the concept of story-telling, especially American storytelling, it often ends on a positive note. Even without the aspect of storytelling, we love to hear how to be better, how to do something right, how to something the best. We crave tidbits and quick insights on how to be “right”.

Recently I had the experience of playing a Twine-type story-based game, called The Uber Game. The concept of the game was to spend a week as an Uber driver to see if you could survive. The story progressed with your making basic decisions such as if you should keep driving or take a nap, if you should clean your car now or later, if you should stay in your area or drive 2 hours to a more populous area.

From this experience, I realized that everyone in their professional and personal lives are always making decisions, some big, some small, but still decisions. Some people may have a solid system on how to make a decision, some are told what their decision will be, and some people just seem to be “lucky” because their decisions always seem to work out for them. Then you have another group of people who always seem to be “unlucky” because their decisions never seem to work out for them. So I decided to write this blog, using Sketchnotes to illustrate, how you too can be one of those “unlucky” people, and start making bad decisions.

9 Ways To Be Terrible at Decision-Making

1. Make a solid decision and then half way through change your mind and question if your right.


2. Don’t think about the consequences. Those are irrelevant.


3. Let your actions completely contradict what you’re trying to accomplish.


4. Tell no one your plans, that way you don’t have to be held accountable.


5. Don’t worry over the essentials, like time, money, resources related to your decision.


6. If your decision is going good for you, find some way to sabotage it.


7. Don’t factor other important people into your decision (such as significant others, children, parents, etc.)


8. Make sure your decision is centered on satisfying instant gratification or basal desires. No long-term planning.


9. Go off of how you feel. Not instincts, just what you’re feeling at the moment.

Good luck! Now you're on your way to making terrible decisions.

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