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Module Review: Digital Identity

I started my journey into learning about Digital Identity by watching my most thought provoking topic, which was the concept of “filter bubbles” and the TED Talk video by Eli Pariser on “Filter Bubbles” (


This video really illuminated the growing problem of “personalization” in digital space. From this video we learn that when doing Google searches two people will be shown widely different things, depending on their interest and demographic information. Google does this, not as a covert mission to deceive you or keep you uninformed, but as a way of “helping” their customer by showing them the information that would appeal to them the most. However, what ends up happening is that information that you may need to know, and but not necessarily wanted to know, is being kept from your view, creating what Eli explained as a “filter bubble”. He urges designers and developers to take this effect in consideration when designing their programs to make sure that we as a society are becoming more informed about our world, not less.

The concept of a “filter bubble” was very enlightening to me because it made me question how informed I really was. I also participated in the Do You Live in a Bubble Quiz which was a test of how diverse your interactions with people, and the range of information you receive, really are. Again, from this lesson I learned that I was isolating myself in a bubble of my own influences, surrounding myself with people who think and act like me, and not really exposing myself to new information, worldviews, or people. The fact that the Internet, or even Facebook, and other social media for that fact could be encouraging me to do so was mind-boggling.

My favorite video was Changing Educational Paradigms. This was a well thought out talk on the history and evolution of education, and it’s philosophical evolution. The speaker really struck a nerve when he talked about how the masses were being manufactured through school, with an expiration date, packed together like eggs in a cartoon, and shuttled through the system.

I journey through this world of digital identity by admiring the work of my classmates.

My favorite creation from a classmate was from the Remix Challenge. The challenge was to take a classmate’s work or project that they created for the class and remix it in some way. My favorite remix was by Kyle Smoker, who used Kyle Jordan’s creation of a superhero, named The Righter, in a fan fiction comic strip. I like this because it brought the superhero to life in just six panels. From the comic strip we learn how the hero got his super powers, who one of his foes were, and how he defeated a bad guy. I think this is a very realistic remix, because often people will find characters and give them story, depth, and personality.

According to Kyle "I remixed Kyle Jordan's superhero, The Righter, and made my own fan fiction. I wanted to use something I haven't used before, so I used Storyboardthat to create a comic strip. I then used Preview on my mac to cut and paste Kyle's Righter superhero into the comic strip."

For the past three weeks, I’ve made:


A Commentary on Upgrade Soul with Brad Hinson

We discussed the Erik Loyer website and his then revolutionary digital comic Upgrade Soul (which is no longer available for use) and the possibilities in education to use this type of platform, the future of digital platforms in the classroom. Although the actual story is no longer available we had a great discussion about the platform used, the possibilities in education, if digital media is permabile or ephemeral.


”Do You Live in A Bubble?” Online Quiz Challenge

I scored a 31, which means "A first-generation upper-middle-class person with middle-class parents," but I'm not sure if that equates to how much I live in a bubble or not. But I will say based on the questions I was asked I did start to feel like I lived in bubble. I don't expose myself to a wide arrange of events, to social circles, to a range of TV shows, range of movies, magazines, or anything, maybe food. I would rate myself at a 3, because I keep my circle of influence very small compared to what I could be doing, everyone that I'm around thinks like I do and are interested in the things I'm interested. It's not a 1 because I do venture out slightly but not enough for it to become a part of my life. Also I feel my worldviews are diverse, but they have not really been challenged lately.


An Audio Remix

I remixed Anastasia and Leah's Dialog 1 on "Searing for Syria" the goal was to use a sound clip that would intriguing and provocative.

I used Twisted Wave, an online audio editor to trim the dialog and change the pitch and tempo. I then used iMovie to add a clip from the “Searing for Syria” website to accompany the audio. I added iMovie sound effects to the audio to create the interesting sounds you hear.


Choose the Right Social Media Tool for Your Business- An AI Challenge

I created an AI-based conversation. I wanted it to be something helpful to those using it. So I took my own personal knowledge of social media platforms to essentially guide a business owner into choosing the right one by answering a few questions.

I used Inklestudios as my platform to create this interaction. It was very simple to use, and it automatically saves your information online, but I don’t think its designed for you to come back to it later.


How did you challenge yourself? What was your biggest stretch?

My biggest challenge this module was my audio remix. It was the first I created an audio track and really edited the material. I over came that challenge by using an audio editing software and playing around with some of the features.

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